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February 13, 2024

Save America! Get married. Stay married.

More than two decades of his work on this topic, yielding “mountains of data”, he writes, proves that “the happiest, least lonely, and most financially secure people in America today are those who are in stable marriages—and the happiest children with the best outcomes are in married families.”

September 18, 2023

So long as it shall be cool for us both

On this day, my wife and I celebrate our 52nd anniversary. When we married, we had scarcely any idea what we were doing. I am glad to announce that even as boneheaded as we are, we have learned something.

October 10, 2022

Why marriage is the cornerstone of society

A forgotten British anthropologist has some surprising answers.

February 15, 2022

Is marrying later always better? New report says No

‘State of Our Unions 2022’ shows little evidence that those marrying over the age of 25 have stronger marriages than those in their early 20s.

September 16, 2021

What happens when an anti-family activist has a baby?

The leader of the Israeli Labor Party is radically opposed to marriage, families, and babies. But she has just announced a happy event. What gives?

June 8, 2020

The Role of Marriage in the Suicide Crisis

Personal relationships, and marriage in particular, bear substantially on self-inflicted mortality risk, including suicide.

June 8, 2020

For as long as our love shall last: How the soulmate myth makes marriage less stable and less happy

It’s actually commitment and contentment that 'go together like a horse and carriage'

May 2, 2020

El matrimonio afecta favorablemente a la salud

Estar casados puede suponer una diferencia –para bien– en la salud de los cónyuges, pues de alguna manera los aleja de la posibilidad de adoptar hábitos dañinos. La ventaja se observa en comparación tanto con los solteros y separados, como con los que viven en uniones de hecho.

February 19, 2020

The right one for you? The True Love Character Test

A checklist every young person should know

November 27, 2019

Si sueñas con una relación de calidad, mejor cásate

En Estados Unidos, un informe del Pew Research Center ha vuelto a mostrar lo que llevan años diciendo otros estudios: que las parejas casadas están más satisfechas con su vida familiar, por término medio, que las de hecho. Sin embargo, estos datos no terminan de calar en los jóvenes, entre los que crece la cohabitación. Lo paradójico es que esta forma de convivencia aleja a muchos de ellos del ideal al que aspiran, observa Alysse ElHage en el blog del Institute for Family Studies (IFS).

May 19, 2021

Will Generation Z be the last to enjoy the benefits of marriage?

Only half of British teenagers plan to marry

May 19, 2021

For most couples who stick together, marriage gets better with time

A long-term US study shows marital quality does not inevitably decline.

March 13, 2017

Marriage and Equality: How Natural Marriage Upholds the Ideal of Equality … for Children

Part memoir, part argument, author Jennifer Johnson walks you through parts of her childhood as a child of divorce. She uses unique diagrams, illustrations and stories to explain the many ways lifelong marriage between one man and one woman upholds equality for children. 

She shows how inequalities to and among children multiply when they are not raised inside the marriages of their own mothers and fathers. She identifies three types of inequality, plus an additional type that is best illustrated by looking at kids of anonymous donor conception. She also addresses adoption.

It is a short read that takes than an hour to finish. You will gain a perspective on the marriage issue that has not been explored elsewhere

February 8, 2017

Is cohabitation the new marriage? Not for kids

Children born in cohabiting unions experience more family instability, a new study finds.

November 29, 2016

Marital status and suicide

Conducted by a team of researchers at Case Western University, this new study parses data from 148 suicide victims against comparison data from 257 individuals who died suddenly as a result of accidents or medical problems.

The researchers are hardly surprised that marital status stands out in their study as a predictor of suicide. Indeed, they interpret their findings as “consistent with extensive research that has demonstrated the close link between suicide risk and marital status,” and they cite earlier research documenting “the negative effect of divorce, separation, and widowhood on suicide risk .

Del enamoramiento al amor: Un recorrido humano

Parte II

Del enamoramiento al amor: Un recorrido humano

Parte I

Matrimonio: El Mayor Regalo

Gabi se fue de casa con otro hombre. Su marido, Francisco, cayó en depresión, pero la esperó un lustro con el plato sobre la mesa. Al regresar, «el perdón fue total. Ni una sola palabra de reproche». Su historia es una de las protagonistas en la última película de Juan Manuel Cotelo, El mayor regalo, que versa sobre el perdón

Be a Man. Get Married.

In this week’s video, Brad Wilcox, a sociologist at the University of Virginia, takes a look at society’s oldest institution from a practical standpoint and finds that marriage provides benefits beyond the traditional values of love and family -- particularly financial benefits. According to numerous studies, marriage tends to have a transformative effect on men in particular, motivating them to mature more quickly, work harder, work smarter, and earn more. So before you opt for lifelong bachelorhood, watch the video here and find out why marriage may be a better avenue to the good life.

"Up" de PIXAR

La belleza de una vida matrimonial lograda.

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