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July 11, 2023

If pedophiles ruled the world

With the sobering and inspiring film Sound of Freedom hitting theatres this week, we are faced with the reality that there is a huge appetite for child sex throughout the world. While Operation Underground Railroad is fighting the child sex movement, there is an international effort pushing it forward in the name of “children’s rights”.

April 20, 2023

La urgente necesidad de educación afectivo-sexual en menores

El aumento de agresiones sexuales cometidas por menores, que se atribuye en parte al consumo de pornografía, ha puesto de relieve la existencia de un problema de educación. Dos expertos en este ámbito, María Álvarez de las Asturias y Jokin de Irala, hablan de la importancia de la formación afectivo-sexual y del papel que corresponde a los padres.

October 6, 2022

¿Se debe seguir tolerando a la industria pornográfica?

“¿Se debe seguir tolerando la existencia de una industria que genera tal violencia y maltrato a las mujeres, que promueve un sistema de dominación y mercantilización del cuerpo de la mujer y que puede tener consecuencias desastrosas para la formación de la identidad sexual, en especial de los jóvenes?” Es la cuestión que plantean las autoras de un informe del Senado francés sobre el negocio de la pornografía, después de describir los abusos que comete y los daños que causa.

September 5, 2022

Our civilisational crisis is really a crisis in parenting

When teenagers idolise a porn star, something is amiss

August 9, 2022

Reproductive choice is a choice to have children. Anything else is a fraud. Period.

The most underreported story of the last 50 years

December 5, 2021

Ni en Holanda hay prostitución “feliz”

Se podría suponer que si se autoriza expresamente el ejercicio de la prostitución, como sucedió en los Países Bajos en 2000, toda la gama de delitos que rodean a esa práctica –las extorsiones, los secuestros, las agresiones físicas y psicológicas, las restricciones a la libertad de movimiento de la persona prostituida– se evaporan forzosamente. Es la mujer quien decide qué quiere hacer con su cuerpo, y se le permite hacerlo. Pero algunos no están convencidos. 

June 8, 2020

The Rise of Childless America

Family life in America is changing: marriage is increasingly being postponed, cohabitation is rising, more young people are living with parents (or grandparents), and childbearing is falling. Emerging from all these trends is one particularly striking trend: rising childlessness. Births postponed ultimately lead to births foregone entirely.

February 13, 2020

Young people aspire to marriage, so let’s offer them more than a Valentine

They need a reliable path to commitment

December 10, 2019

Should we teach kids about porn’s harms? Yes, and here’s how

Addressing the issue head on.

October 27, 2019

What drives users of child pornography

A criminologist says that almost anyone who lets his curiosity get the better of him could become an abuser

October 7, 2019

A blinkered view of pornography leads to disaster for children

The New York Times blew its chance to defend kids

October 7, 2019

We Must Fight the Sexualization of Children by Adults

Childhood used to be a time of innocence. But as our culture has become more and more sexualized, children have become the casualties of adult exploitation....

January 28, 2019

Sexual revolution: honeymoon over?

But they’re trying everything, including ‘ethical porn’, to keep it going.

December 20, 2018

Get the Facts About CSE

Advocates of comprehensive sexuality education programs claim that among other things, CSE programs will reduce teen pregnancy and STD infections and that they do not sexualize children.  However, as you explore the documentation on this site, including research on CSE programs, you can judge for yourself if these claims are true or whether the exact opposite may be true. And remember, the health and innocence of our children are at stake.

December 3, 2018

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Laws Are Not Fairness for All

In the United States of America, people who identify as LGBT are free to live as they want. But SOGI laws, including FFA, are not about freedom—they are about coercion. SOGI laws are about forcing all Americans to embrace—and live out—certain beliefs about human sexuality. They are not about protecting the freedom of people to live as LGBT, but about coercing everyone else to support, facilitate, and endorse such actions. This is one fundamental problem in equating coercive antidiscrimination laws with permissive religious freedom laws. And imposing a bad coercive policy on everyone while exempting select faith-based institutions is anything but fairness for all.

November 20, 2018

Sesso, porno e youporn: a quale prezzo

«Comunque se uno ha ancora delle domande basta andare su YouPorn». Così risponde un bambino di dieci anni alla sua insegnante, Thérèse Hargot, dopo una lezione sul concepimento. La nota sessuologa belga, che racconta la sua esperienza professionale nel provocatorio libro Una gioventù sessualmente liberata (o quasi), chiede chiarimenti all’alunno e si sente rispondere che lui e il fratello 13enne hanno da tempo affidato al sito di video porno la loro educazione «sentimentale».

November 13, 2018

Fathers, sons, and the sexual revolution we really need

We have got sex so wrong. Rebuilding starts with men.

November 20, 2017

New FWI-Commissioned Study Finds: Comprehensive Sex Ed Ineffective and Harmful

recently released landmark report commissioned by FWI obliterates claims that comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programs in U.S. schools are effective. 

The report also found that some CSE programs even increased teen pregnancy, sexual initiation, and risky sexual behavior.

September 17, 2017

Liberaciones sexuales para niños

Las ideologías de los adultos sobre la sexualidad repercuten siempre en los niños. Por supuesto, los cambios se justifican invocando el interés superior de los menores. Pero la experiencia indica que muchos quedan heridos. Así ocurrió con la defensa de las relaciones entre adultos y menores. También hoy día la proliferación de “niños transexuales” revela el reflejo en ellos de una ideología de adultos.

May 17, 2017

Consenting to Sex Change Easier than Crossing Street

The American College of Pediatricians has released a statement on the inconsistency of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which published an excerpt of a study in their daily briefing reporting that children under the age of 14 are not cognitively capable of crossing a busy street. But the same organization claims that children this age and younger are capable of deciding they are transgender.

April 29, 2016

The Teenage Brain: Under Construction

Can sexual activity, alcohol and drug use, and other risky behaviors damage adolescent minds? In a word – yes. Early high-risk behaviors, including sexual encounters, are powerful influences and appear to be harmful to the brain’s development. The hormones and neural patterns triggered can lead to addictive, high-risk behaviors, social withdrawal, and depression. What’s more, these adolescent behaviors may have additional long-term negative consequences – not just for them, but also for their future children.

April 17, 2016

Comprehensive Sexuality Education

Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is one of the greatest assaults on the health and innocence of children. This is because unlike traditional sex education, comprehensive sexuality education is highly explicit and promotes promiscuity and high-risk sexual behaviors to children as healthy and normal. CSE programs have an almost obsessive focus on teaching children how to obtain sexual pleasure in various ways. Yet, ironically, comprehensive sexuality education programs are anything but comprehensive as they fail to teach children about all of the emotional, psychological and physical health risks of promiscuous sexual activity.  The ultimate goal of CSE is to change the sexual and gender norms of society, which is why CSE could be more accurately called “abortion, promiscuity, and LGBT rights education.” CSE is a “rights-based” approach to sex education and promotes sexual rights to children at the expense of their sexual health.

October 11, 2010

Estándares para la educación sexual en Europa

Este documento, cuyo propósito es de constituir un marco de referencia para la instauración de una educación sexual y promover la salud sexual en cada de los países europeos, es un claro ejemplo de la violenta imposición de la tiranía de la ideología del género en la sociedad.

El mayor atropello a la libertad

Análisis de las leyes de ideología de género

The War on Children

Sexual rights activists inside and outside the UN who  imposing Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) on children around the world. This kind of education would be more accurately called comprehensive sexualization education because that is exactly what it does—it sexualizes children. This film is already sparking protests from parents across the globe who are against CSE, and it has been instrumental in stopping CSE legislation in several countries and states.

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