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January 17, 2023

El sexo biológico importa y estas intelectuales feministas quieren que se pueda hablar de ello

El sexo biológico juega un papel decisivo en la conformación de la persona y tenerlo en cuenta es clave a la hora de defender los derechos de las mujeres. Esta convicción une a muchas feministas que discrepan en otras cuestiones y ha hecho que algunas de ellas apoyen un proyecto liderado por Erika Bachiochi, investigadora en el Ethics and Public Policy Center y en el Abigail Adams Institute.

September 6, 2022

El legado envenenado de la revolución sexual

¿A quién ha beneficiado la revolución sexual? Abanderada como una victoria de la causa feminista, resulta que, años después, las mujeres han salido perdiendo.

August 25, 2022

Is this the dawn of a sexual counter-revolution?

A perceptive book by a young British feminist gets most things right about today’s hook-up culture.

June 15, 2022

Anthropological Fallacies

Body-self dualism, and its social manifestation in expressive individualism, underlie the rejection of our given human natures. Rather than seeing ourselves as somehow inhabiting bodies that are used as mere instruments, we should see ourselves as incarnate, bodily beings embedded in communities and bound by natural and supernatural laws.

April 6, 2022

Whither feminism?

Finding hope for a new women's movement.

March 27, 2022

Alice von Hildebrand promoted authentic pro-woman feminism

The famous philosopher died in January

July 17, 2021

Why is Melinda Gates so obsessed with ‘gender equality’?

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will donate $2.1 billion to promoting women's rights.

July 16, 2021

Feminism’s Last Battle

We are witnessing a kind of last battle, a feminist Armageddon that will determine whether feminism, as a movement centered upon the wellbeing of women and girls, will endure into the future or self-immolate. Only a return to realism can provide a stable definition of woman, the requisite ground for effective feminism.

June 9, 2020

JK Rowling is Right—Sex Is Real and It Is Not a “Spectrum”

"If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth": J.K. Rowling June 6, 2020

December 24, 2019

Hombres y mujeres se necesitan mutuamente

Después de años ejerciendo como neuropsiquiatra infantil y psicoterapeuta de adultos y parejas, Mariolina Ceriotti Migliarese ha condensado gran parte de su experiencia en dos obras desde las que intenta explicar su visión de la mujer y el hombre: Erótica y materna (Rialp, 2018) y Masculino: Fuerza, eros, ternura (Rialp, 2019). Los entiende como diferentes, cada uno capaz de una aportación específica que el otro necesita.

November 13, 2018

Testing the Empathizing – Systemizing theory of sex differences and the Extreme Male Brain theory of autism in half a million people

In the largest study to date of autistic traits, we test 10 predictions from the Empathizing Systemizing (E-S) theory of sex

differences and the Extreme Male Brain (EMB) theory of autism.

We confirmed that typical females on average are more empathic, typical males on average are more systems-oriented, and

autistic people on average show a “masculinized” profile. The strengths of the study are the inclusion of a replication sample

and the use of big data. These two theories can be considered to have strong support. We demonstrate that D-scores (difference between E and S) account for 19 times the variance in autistic traits than do other demographic variables, including sex, underscoring the importance of brain types in autism.

October 24, 2018

Relationship of gender differences in preferences to economic development and gender equality

What contributes to gender-associated differences in preferences such as the willingness to take risks, patience, altruism, positive and negative reciprocity, and trust? Falk and Hermle studied 80,000 individuals in 76 countries who participated in a Global Preference Survey and compared the data with country-level variables such as gross domestic product and indices of gender inequality. They observed that the more that women have equal opportunities, the more they differ from men in their preferences.

January 6, 2018

Created Male and Female

Created Male and Female: An Open Letter from Religious Leaders

November 8, 2017

Sexual difference runs deep, new research shows

Thousands of genes act differently in men and women.

August 9, 2017

Equal but different: mothers and fathers are not interchangeable

You can't 'imagine away the facts' insists a family scholar.

August 9, 2017

Once again, men and women are different, even at work

What the Google engineer got right in his manifesto.

August 7, 2017

Lena Dunham turns transgender thought cop

You might not be interested in these culture wars but believe me, they are interested in you.

April 22, 2017

Gender and personal identity: two views

How ‘transgenderism’ differs from the more traditional view of sex and gender.

July 10, 2016

El cerebro tiene sexo

La neurología y la sicología ha ido poniendo fin al debate sobre si realmente los hombres son de Marte y las mujeres de Venus, o más bien las diferencias son tan mínimas que hay que apostar por la igualdad entre los géneros sin variedades específicas; esto es, por el sexo opcional. También se está esclareciendo otro debate, menos enconado que el anterior, sobre las causas de las diferencias. Algunos afirmaban que hombres y mujeres han desarrollado distintas personalidades en la evolución de la humanidad simplemente porque han debido enfrentarse a distintos problemas de adaptación: ellos a buscar alimento y ellas a cuidar de la prole, por lo que un cambio de roles anularía las diferencias.

January 26, 2016

Change happens: new evidence on sexual orientation

Groundbreaking research published shows successful change in religiously motivated men and women.

Gender Equality & Identità relazionale dell'uomo e della donna

Oggi è difficile far durare nel il tempo le relazioni affettive tra l'uomo e la donna. Un pezzo della della questione derivi proprio dalla fatica di capire cos'è la differenza tra uomo e donna imparando a gestirla.

Feminismo hoy: retos y controversias

En esta nueva edición de Aceprensa, a fondo hacemos un diagnóstico del momento actual en el que se encuentra el movimiento feminista con:  Amelia Valcárcel, Catedrática de Filosofía.  Lidia Falcón, abogada, escritora y Presidenta del Partido Feminista de España.  Nuria Coronado, periodista y escritora.  Laura Redondo, Doctora y psicóloga jurídica y forense.  María Serrano, periodista cultural.

Tan iguales, ¡tan diferentes!

Una aproximación a las diferencias entre hombre y mujer

Sexualidad, deseo e intimidad

Conferencia de Don Higinio Marín

A Call to Battle - A Short Film on ‘Society’s Crisis in Masculinity’ (with Spanish subtitles)

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix released for the first time ever in its history a documentary-style short film that seeks to create awareness of a crisis in masculinity found in today’s society.

Mark Guntor: historia de dos cerebros

Mark Guntor: historia de dos cerebros

No se trata del clavo

No se trata del clavo



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