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April 12, 2024

A Belgian businessman has a solution to the pensions crisis. It’s called euthanasia

The Titanic sank after it collided with an unseen iceberg. Western societies with low birthrates are steaming straight towards an iceberg in broad daylight. Finally someone has proposed a way to avert disaster. The president of Belgium’s biggest health care fund, Christian Mutualities (CM), wants to throw the elderly overboard.

September 8, 2023

A peek into euthanasia’s slippery slope boiler room

Don’t imagine that euthanasia’s slippery slope is like a long water slide at a theme park in which you hurdle ever downward, ever faster, until you are hurled into a pool.

July 5, 2023

Eutanasia per autismo, il piano è sempre più inclinato

Nei Paesi Bassi, tra il 2012 e il 2021, sono stati uccisi 39 pazienti che presentavano disabilità intellettiva o autismo. I “paletti” indicati dalla legge non sono rispettati, a conferma della deriva facilitata dalle norme pro-morte.

March 28, 2023

Living with euthanasia: the ethical imperative of providing alternatives

We have more work to do than ever now that euthanasia is legal

March 7, 2023

Belgian women euthanised for extreme psychological suffering

Wherever euthanasia is debated, the clincher argument is that it will spare a patient agonising pain in a terminal illness. But as these cases from Belgium suggest, euthanasia deaths are being used as an escape route from the aftermath of crime by both victims and criminals. And women may be particularly susceptible.

February 25, 2023

In Canada, MAID has become a matter of ideology

Scott Kim is a psychiatrist and philosopher who studies medical assistance in dying. He served on the Council of Canadian Academies Expert Panel Working Group on MAID Where a Mental Disorder is the Sole Underlying Medical Condition.

February 22, 2023

Canada keeps a tight grip on its world record for euthanasia deaths

A parliamentary committee recommends liberalising an already liberal “right to die” law

October 17, 2022

It’s not too much pain but too little love that makes people ask for euthanasia

An intensive care nurse reflects on the positive meaning of suffering and dying

October 7, 2022

Belgium slammed by Europe’s highest human rights court over euthanasia

The tragic case of Tom Mortier's mother comes to an end after 10 years

May 22, 2022

Brain tumors, lethal drugs, and the art of dying

The growing movement to legalize physician-assisted suicide raises fundamental questions about how to die well

April 6, 2022

Bélgica: veinte años de eutanasia “perfecta”

En 2022 se cumplen dos décadas de la aprobación de la eutanasia en Bélgica. Cuando en 1999 los democristianos quedaron fuera del gobierno y fueron sustituidos por una coalición de socialistas, liberales y verdes, estos pusieron el foco reformador en ciertas cuestiones bioéticas y, en 2002, sacaron a escena la eutanasia.

February 6, 2022

Doctors’ fear of saying No to euthanasia could make it the default way to die

A major report from 'The Lancet' is contradictory.

January 31, 2022

7 Spaniards who were euthanised last year donated their organs

Move along, please. Nothing to see here in the organ donation office.

January 18, 2022

Euphemisms mask the true nature of assisted suicide and euthanasia

Disguising the true meaning of words is a powerful weapon in the "right to die" armoury

November 14, 2021

Could voluntary assisted dying become contagious?

Research shows that the experience of losing a parent through suicide is a risk factor for children. How about VAD?

November 2, 2021

Can ‘assisted dying’ ever be fully autonomous?

The completely self-sufficient person is a myth.

October 28, 2021

We need to offer alternatives to legalising euthanasia

History will judge the legalization of euthanasia as one of the two most momentous values decisions of the first half of the 21st Century

October 26, 2021

Good ethics depends on good facts – but euthanasia debates are full of distortions and omissions

We mustn’t sugar-coat the reality of doctors killing their patients

October 24, 2021

We need to develop an anti-euthanasia vaccine – at warp speed

How did the movement arise and where is it going?

September 20, 2021

Why has opposition to euthanasia crumbled?

Politicians aren't listening to logical, evidence-based arguments.

September 21, 2021

Euthanasia: you can put lipstick on a pig, but a pig it remains

Contemporary euthanasia is an updated version of early 20th century eugenics

September 14, 2021

Euthanasia: why are we letting all those perfectly good organs go to waste?

It sounds ghoulish, but doctors in the Netherlands are keen

September 16, 2021

How to talk to your MP about euthanasia

We need to clear the deck of emotional rhetoric

July 28, 2021

Capturing the language of (assisted) death

Language is a weapon for campaigners for the right to die in the UK

August 3, 2021

"I think more about what I can do than my limitations"

Xavi Argemí is a young man who needs 24/7 attention. He can’t walk or do the normal things other young people do. But he wants the world to know how happy he is. He likes to keep busy but still found time to answer our questions.

July 28, 2021

Euthanasia fundamentalists sell death in the Netherlands

Even in the home of legal euthanasia some actions are beyond the pale.

June 7, 2021

Legalising assisted suicide risks the principle of equality of all lives - Dr Calum McKellar

At the beginning of this year, I was invited to take part in an online debate on the topic of assisted suicide organised by a Scottish university in front of a large number of students.

June 15, 2021

Farsi uccidere per donare organi, l'eutanasia corre veloce

Candidati all'eutanasia e donatori di organi: la cosiddetta "eutanasia del buon samaritano" è già praticata in Belgio, Paesi Bassi e Canada, ma un articolo scientifico spiega come si allargheranno le possibilità di questa pratica per aumentare la disponibilità di organi da espiantare: anzitutto prevedendo l'inizio del processo eutanasico in casa per agevolare i potenziali donatori; poi puntando su malati mentali e depressi: corpi sani e giovani, ottimi per il trapianto, poco utili in una persona insana.

June 15, 2021

Canada’s new euthanasia law will provide, not prevent, suicide for some psychiatric patients

Is it really discriminatory to stop someone with a mental illness from accessing 'assisted dying'?

June 2, 2021

Lamenting suicide while promoting assisted suicide: where’s the logic in that?

As G.K. Chesterton pointed out, logic and consistency are neglected in many debates about end-of-life issues.

May 16, 2021

Normalising euthanasia can be dangerous

A Belgian nurse explains some of his experiences

April 25, 2021

French novelist Michel Houellebecq may be nutty, but he is fiercely opposed to euthanasia

We have an 'animal' notion of good health, he says

May 17, 2021

‘Euthanasia could become a shortcut’

An Australian lawyer and Catholic priest defends his right to speak up in the assisted dying debate

May 20, 2021

Would you ask for euthanasia just because you hated to mow your lawn?

If assisted dying were to be legalised, suicide might eventually be regarded as evidence of sanity.

March 28, 2020

Is euthanasia an essential service?

Some Canadian doctors believe that it is, despite the pandemic

March 9, 2020

La eutanasia afecta a todos

La eutanasia no es una decisión individual que afectaría solo al enfermo que la pide. Su legalización es algo que repercute en las relaciones entre enfermo y familiares, en la ética de los profesionales sanitarios y en la consideración social del respeto a la vida humana. Así lo pone de manifiesto un artículo de Luis Miguel Pastor, editor de Cuadernos de Bioética, en un número de la revista dedicado a “Morir con dignidad y eutanasia”, del que ofrecemos una selección de párrafos.

February 26, 2020

Germany’s high court endorses a right to assisted suicide

A new era of nihilism begins

February 13, 2020

The euthanasia slippery slope is real

As former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating said, ‘the pressures for further liberalisation are irresistible’

November 16, 2019

Globally, opposition to euthanasia dwarfs end-of-life movements

World Medical Association reaffirms its opposition

October 27, 2019

Canada’s euthanasia philosophy: ‘control, choice and change’

It may take many generations to realise the damage that 'Medical Aid in Dying" will do

October 14, 2019

Bella, fidanzata, sana, ma un po' timida: chiede l'eutanasia

Kelly è giovane, ha un fidanzato, è bella e sana: ma dice di non piacersi e di essere timida. Per questo chiede l'eutanasia. Il Belgio è spaccato su un caso che svela le bugie sull'eutanasia, mentre i numeri della dolce morte si impennano: oltre 2300 decessi nel 2018. Una volta che un Paese accetta l’idea che talune vite non siano degne di essere vissute, la morte si manifesta per l’influencer che è, con le «vite indegne» che crescono continuamente di numero.

June 29, 2019

Eutanasia: “No hay que obligar a nadie a justificar su existencia”

El norteamericano Ben Mattlin tiene 57 años y es periodista freelance y escritor. O quizás, más que escritor, es “dictador”, pero no por tener impulsos autocráticos, sino porque es esa su forma de escribir: dictarle a un ordenador sus expresiones para que las transforme en texto escrito.

January 29, 2019

Muerte a petición: ¿Ha llegado demasiado lejos la eutanasia?

Varios países están facilitando la elección del tiempo y el modo en que las personas desean morir, pero en Holanda, capital mundial de la eutanasia, las consecuencias de todo esto comienzan a preocupar

November 28, 2018

Doce razones para decir no a la eutanasia y sí a los cuidados paliativos

Si se acepta el criterio dominante en la consulta ciudadana conocida como los “Estados generales de la bioética”, en el proyecto de ley que debe presentar el gobierno francés al parlamento no se mencionará el fin de la vida, regulado en la ley Claeys-Leonetti, de 2016. No obstante, ante la presión de los partidarios de la eutanasia y la lentitud con que el Estado afronta la mejora y universalización de los cuidados paliativos, más de 175 asociaciones especializadas en atención paliativa han firmado un manifiesto en el que resumen su postura a favor del cuidado de las personas en la etapa final de la vida.

October 21, 2018

Eutanasia, Olanda all'atto finale: i sani verranno uccisi

In questi anni si sta rompendo forse l’ultima barriera, pensando a una nuova legge che permetta l’assistenza al suicidio a gente che è di per sé sana. Con questo siamo arrivati forse giù ai piedi del monte?. Le esperienze olandesi devono metterci in guardia. I criteri per compiere l’eutanasia o il suicidio assistito, sono sempre più estesi e mostrano storicamente e culturalmente il rischio di avanzare verso il baratro del piano inclinato.

September 23, 2018

Canada laying groundwork for child euthanasia

It is still banned, but the government is looking at its options

July 30, 2018

Three children euthanised in Belgium

Latest official report reveals reasons.

January 7, 2018

How does assisting with suicide affect physicians?

Many feel acute emotional distress after helping someone to die

September 2, 2017

Dove l'eutanasia è legale si uccide anche chi vuole vivere: la storia di "H"

Traduzione dell'articolo di George Weigel, intitolato "E' una guerra culturale, stupido", apparso il 22 agosto 2017 su First Things. Weigel, noto intellettuale americano biografo di san Giovanni Paolo II, spiega cosa sta accandendo in Canada dove la legalizzazione dell'eutansia porta all'eliminazione obbligata di coloro la cui "qualità della vità" non è considerata sufficiente.

November 30, 2016

A wife’s love for her dying husband

Tracy Grant is a deputy managing editor at The Washington Post. Last year her husband Bill was diagnosed with brain cancer and went downhill very quickly. But she says in this video that the experience drew the best out of her and made her a better person. Her article, on which this video is based, was headlined, “I was my husband’s caregiver as he was dying of cancer. It was the best seven months of my life.

Assisted suicide in Canada: Is our policy becoming the world's most permissible? - The Fifth Estate

Since Canada legalized medical assistance in dying (MAID) in 2016, more than 30,000 Canadians have opted to die this way, including many who are not terminally ill. The Fifth Estate examines why some are making the choice to die and why critics say the system is becoming too permissive.

Eutanasia e Suicidio Assistito: tutta la verità in 4 minuti

Guarda e condividi il video che in pochi minuti rivela tutto quello che non ti dicono su eutanasia e suicidio assistito.

‘Every moment we can share together is a gift’: the radical hope of rejecting assisted suicide

This brilliant video is a fabulous antidote to despair in the face of terminal illness

Parla Roberto uscito dal coma: "Perchè sono contro l'eutanasia"

La storia è quelle delle più drammatiche e, allo stesso tempo delle più incredibili. 

E' quella di Roberto, vittima di un incidente stradale che per pochissimo non lo ha ucciso, mandando in coma. Roberto però si è svegliato e insieme a lui chi gli è stato accanto non ha perso mai la speranza.

Una storia drammatica e incredibile, quindi, ma altrettanto eloquente del perché essere contrari all'eutanasia... come afferma proprio Roberto.

Entrevista a la doctora Herminia Valladares

La eutanasia es un peligro para todos: para los niños, para los mayores, para los discapacitados… “Al final no decide el enfermo, deciden otras personas por él; al final no se aplica solo en ese determinado momento, sino que se está yendo más allá y se está utilizando como un medio legal para terminar con una vida sin más”. La eutanasia no tiene por qué ser la respuesta: paliar el dolor del paciente, así como de la familia, es una meta realizable que permite a las personas combatir el desánimo en esos momentos de sufrimiento.

Carlos Álvarez, portavoz de Vida Digna, nos explica dudas sobre la eutanasia

La interpretación que hacen los políticos sobre esta “buena muerte” hace que se perciba como un acto de caridad para el paciente, sin embargo, nos dice Carlos Álvarez que “se acaba dando la eutanasia, dentro de la ley, a gente con cansancio vital o con depresión”. Y además se promueve el poder deshacerse de una vida simplemente porque estorba económicamente al sector de la salud.

Reflexiones sobre la Eutanasia

Ignacio Gómez, médico y profesor de bioética de la Universidad Católica de Valencia, y Justo Aznar, director del Instituto de Ciencias de la Vida de la Universidad Católica de Valencia, nos explican desde una perspectiva médica, moral y profesional, qué es la eutanasia.

The inhumanity of euthanasia

Euthanasia is billed as a humane practice. But after watching this brief documentary about Belgium it’s hard to believe that. Euthanasia was legalised there in 2002 and since then about 8,000 cases have been officially registered. Experience shows that demand grows with availability. Now children and the mentally ill can be given a lethal injection.

Top 10 Reasons Why Euthanasia Is Wrong

A comprehensive explanation of why Euthanasia / Assisted Suicide / Assisted Dying is wrong, why it is not about the "right to die", why it must remain illegal, and why it has been and will continue to be an extreme danger to society, the longer a significant degree of the public support it.

The Euthanasia Deception

The Euthanasia Deception is a documentary and educational outreach initiative which exposes what euthanasia laws can do to a country’s culture in a mere 15 years.  The case study is Belgium: euthanasia’s ‘ground zero’.  Based on a series of heart-wrenching personal testimonies along with medical, legal and expert analysis,  producers reveal how all of us become vulnerable when life and death matters are handed over to lawmakers and doctors.

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